Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Conversations with God

I've had this book for almost a year. It has traveled the world with me; yet, I have finished reading three books, while this has 30 pages left to turn.

What would love do? That is the essential question, God says. From this, all good is brought forth and conflict will not exist. This is what I've learned.

I am in a rut. My family relations are strained. Of course, there is no one left to blame but myself. There is a responsibility in this that is heavy on the heart. I have ceased to voice my opinions and feelings, especially those I know will cause further misunderstanding. There really is nothing left to say.

Honestly, I would rather be run over 3 times than be in this position. Ok, maybe 5, just to be sure.

On my way to work this morning, I saw a sign that read: Choose Love. I stared at it, while waiting for the light to turn green. It wasn't until I read it that I realized God is reminding me that only your family will truly love you. There is no doubt in this. They are with you everywhere you go, hoping for the best for you, praying for your safety.

How do you replace regret with love? How do you forget? How will I reconcile all of this? How will I accept the sad fact that I will never really truly be understood?

I will choose Love. Everyday. Even when it's the hardest thing to do. I don't know how that will work, but the problem has been solved for me.

Now, if only I could lose my mind. Sometimes, I find, when I think less, I stay out of trouble.

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