Sunday, May 01, 2005


I'm still awake.

Fuck! I knew this would happen. I went to work today, and, out of total boredom, I had a cup of coffee. As much as I love that stuff, I have refrained from drinking it in the afternoon or at night because it makes me paranoid. Even though watching the news depresses me, apparently reruns of Law & Order and CSI don't. I found this out one night after watching the former and wondering if I should sleep with a bat next to my bed just in case the psycho from the show crawls in through the window.

Anyway, I have anger issues and I'm depressed for some reason. I argued with Francis till he agreed to forget whatever didn't happen, which supposedly ticked him off. I was tired. I didn't see the point in dragging it on. Our conversation, though as animated as it usually is, was dry.

I didn't have the greatest day. I bet those who ticked me off had it even worse. I lost it this morning and pissed off everyone else at home. Now, I'm still awake, remembering all that happened today. Torture.

Like reruns in my head.

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