Wednesday, April 07, 2004

The Booger

My brother told me about an article he read about boogers (Pecker, that's kulangot). It turns out, a doctor researched the eating of boogers to be good for the immune system. This endeavor also helps relax the individual, he says. There's enough germs in a booger to make you fend off the common ailments. Mom was quite entertained by this story (I'm not surprised).

I have boogers. I pick them when I'm at home, in front of my family who has to love me no matter what. I, however, don't eat them (don't listen to what the kids say, they're all lies!!!). I do not wish to eat them, nor will I ever eat them, even if I were stuck in a building for 10 hours with nothing to eat.

I like my vitamins, thank you very much. Besides, I breathe in enough germs from the Long Beach Coast everyday to boost my immune system.

Boogers were quite fascinating when I was a kid, though. We would all pick our noses and run around with boogers on the tips of our fingers threatening our terrified friends to come closer. Who's "we"? Don't front. Y'all know who you are!

Anyway, a booger is a booger is a kulangot. You pick 'em, you eat 'em. It's not a big deal, as long as you do it on your own time.

Pass the tissue, please.

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