Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Ok, so right now, I really want to shoot something.  I would say someone, but I'm not angry.  I just want to shoot a can or a tire or a computer.  I am 3 steps away from being financially stable.  Three being the number of credit cards I have left to pay off.  First on the list is my VS card.  Damn store!  All pink.  I hate that color, but I found myself spending hours there for days at a time.  Stupid card is evidence of how much I've spent on stupid skivvies.   Ok, not stupid, but cute skivvies.  Next one is my Mastercard and then my Visa.  I will burn these plastic blood-suckers that I carry in my wallet and stick to the good-ol' green.  I have money put away in my 401k every paycheck and I have set aside money for the trip back to Mtl and for when The Boy Friend visits.  Smart, eh?  This also means less shopping, no extra shoes (aaaahhhhhhh!), tons of gym time (yeah-fucking-right) so that I will always fit into my jeans.  There will be another pot for a consolidated Savings Account with my bros and sis and money left over for bills.
I'm thinking out of my nose, I know, but, somehow, this should work.  It's working right now.  As for The Big Project, we might have to hold that off till the end of the year. 
I'm not stressed.
Now, if I only had a gun or bat or not-so-white wall that I could bang my head into.

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