Thursday, March 25, 2004

5 Random Things About Me

I can't think of anything at random, I realize. My brain is so effing organized that if I so much as put any effort in randomness, my thought process screws up. I'm serious. I tried it once, and I went haywire. I was confused the whole day. Same goes for my life, too. I'm organized. Though I am no longer as obssessive-compulsive about my bidness, I pretty much stick to the tried-and-tested.

Let me try being random today:

1. Ummmm
2. Duhhh

Forget it. Random things about me do not exist. OH...wait, I thought of something.

1. I try to wear skivvies that are the same color as the shirt I'm going to wear for the day
2. I HATE the color PINK (blech)

Ok. I'm stumped. I won't try any harder. Thinking of two things at random is good enough.

Hooray for not-pink skivvies!

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