Friday, April 09, 2004

At this given moment

Wallet - black, leather, RL

Hair brush - I have a green comb

Toothbrush - violet and whit (Oral-B)

Jewelry worn daily - watch and earrings

Pillow cover - white

Coffee Cup - Van Gogh paintings on it

Underwear - girl boy briefs in white with red stripes

Favorite shirt - The one with the tiny pocket in front

Cologne/Perfume - Gap Simple

Tattoos - I wish...but none

Piercing - both ears

In my mouth - leftovers, eew

In my head - should I wash the dishes

Wishing - to buy a house

After this - I will wash the dishes

Fetishes - shoes

Person you wish you could see right now - Daddy

Is next to you - bag to my left and vacuum to my right

Some of your favorite movies - When a Man Loves a Woman, 25th Hour

Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - Payday

The last thing you ate - garlic bread

Something that you are afraid of - needles and ghosts

Do you like candles - have some in almost every room

Do you like incense - same as above

Do you like the taste of blood - ack

Do you believe in love - ask me again next year

Do you believe in soul mates - yes

Do you believe in love at first sight - Hell no!

Do you believe in Heaven - of course!

Do you believe in God - definitely

Who is your worst enemy - MYSELF

If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - I have one, a dog

What is the latest you've ever stayed up - till 10 a.m.

Can you eat with chopsticks - yeah

What's your favorite coin - I don't like coins, only bills. Hehehe.

What are some of your favorite animals - doggie woggies

What's something that you wish people would understand - why people do the things they do

It is a Friday night, and I am at home answering this stupid survey.

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