Friday, April 30, 2004

I have decided to put an end to this idiocy...and then change my mind again

...because there is no possible way I can get through this with my mind up my butt. There is just no way.

I have decided to stop thinking and "go with the flow." I've thought myself into some kind of black hole where rationality morphed into my kindergarten teacher. (Scary thought) Somehow, "the flow" doesn't flow that smoothly anymore. "The flow" has weaved itself into a ball, that sits in the pit of my stomach. I, now, have indigestion.

This is crazy.

One cure. Only one. I think I will go find it, even if it means that I have to leave my pretty little box and venture into the unknown. Uy. There are certain things worth the risk, that go beyond planning and blueprints and blocks of time that I have reserved. I know I will sway from one side to the other in my best efforts of decision-making- today being a good example. How can you decide to quell a feeling that your intuition has stongly supported? The only way I know how to screw this up is to overanalyze it and find all the right reasons to...well, to screw it up.

Tonight, I'm going to the mall to make last-minute purchases at VS and buy Mom her other Mom's Day present.

I think I will find the cure somewhere in between overpriced skivvies and beautiful, heeled shoes.

Plus, Pecker might call tonight. There should be good in that.

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