Monday, May 10, 2004

Monday morning

We, my Sis, Mom and I, spent the weekend in Palm Springs. Sis attended the prom with her boy friend and Mom and I spent the rest of Saturday night shopping. We're ok, now, which is very good. The road trip gave me time to re-evaluate my life- where I am, where I'm going, blah blah blah.

There are several things that I've put off for the past couple of months and I've decided to go back to my usual competitive self.

1. I will go back to school and obtain my Masters degree. Ugh. More studying. I'm in the "process" of transferring to another school and I've procrastinated long enough.

2. I will go ahead and tell Mom that she can get her house next year. I'll do everything it takes, ok, maybe not everything. I still have the CC to pay off, but I'll take care of that next month.

3. I will go to the gym every single day. (This one makes me laugh, but I figured that if I write it down somewhere, maybe I'll actually get to it.)

...And, with these in my pocket, I begin the week.


S said...

*raises glass* Good luck! I'll be screaming for you at the finish line....

asdf said...

Supriya, thank you. Can you please send you me your blog add again. Apparently, Blogger doesn't allow an automatic link when you one posts comments.

JA: Jacs, is this you?