Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Summary of my day

This morning:
  1. LH told me that my way of taking a shower is incorrect. How the hell can you take a shower wrong? Why did we even have that discussion? So as long as I get out of the shower squeaky freakin' clean, my way will always be right. No worries here, the only person I'm giving a bath is myself.
  2. I had a political debate with Cryo Guy regarding the "comparative advantage" and the "invisible hand" in Free Trade and Globalization. I respect his opinions. However, until you have experienced wading through shit-, garbage-, and needle-infested water, walk past huts the size of a bathroom housing six people, while malnourished, starving children with protruding bellies tug at your shirt for an extra five pesos to feed half their family, in order to attend political ideology educational training to help make their lives "better," don't give me bullshit about not fucking caring about the people "who do not do anything with their lives." Unfortunately, the "invisible hand" is slapping the Third World Countries around on their sorry asses and the only fucking "comparative advantage" is that the rich are getting richer while the poor wallow in depression, because people like you only care about profits. You're lucky you got here, most people don't even make it to the embassy.
And...drum roll, please...

I slowly felt the air turn stale as it escaped through my mouth. My chest carried the weight of a piano. (And, no, this was not the result of smoking.) I could hear the beating slow to an unbearable tap. My dog took one look at me and knew that my heart was breaking. He followed me around and stood at my side. He waited till I picked him up and he let me hug him, as he conformed to the soft cushion that my lap and my tummy made.

This is not good.

(On my mark) Time for Plan B.

(Get set) I will never be afraid to run.


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